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Generative Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering Personalised Oncology Treatments


Artificial Intelligence, with its multifarious subsets, presents extraordinary opportunities to augment clinical processes, such as diagnostics, prescriptions, and personalised therapeutic strategies. One of these areas, generative AI, has caught the spotlight for its potential in revolutionising healthcare, particularly in managing complex diseases like cancer.

As an early pioneer in this burgeoning field, Chief.AI is leveraging generative AI to pioneer transformative solutions in the prognostic management and optimisation of treatment strategies for notoriously difficult-to-treat diseases, including various types of cancer.

Deciphering Generative AI and Its Utility in Healthcare

Generative AI, a variant of machine learning, has the capacity to formulate new solutions based on AI models educated on voluminous datasets. A majority of these models are created utilising unsupervised or self-supervised machine learning approaches. This results in an AI system with increased autonomy, capable of processing massive amounts of medical data, thereby amplifying the machine’s intellectual capacity.

For instance, Chief.AI’s flagship oncology management system, Oncomise, utilises vast datasets to form a comprehensive understanding of patient histories and disease outcomes across various cancer types, including prostate and lung cancer.

Such datasets are a tapestry of diverse patient data including longitudinal health records, demographics, diagnostic and biopsy reports, therapeutic histories encompassing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, and surgical interventions, coupled with related patient outcomes. The training data, which includes images, textual lab results, and genomic sequencing data, provides the foundation models a rich context to learn from.

Although the training of these foundation models demands considerable computational resources and extensive GPU hours, the diverse application and transformative potential of these generative AI models guarantee a significant return on investment.

Conception of Enhanced Cancer Treatment Strategies

By capitalising on patterns discerned from extensive unstructured clinical data, generative AI models are capable of fashioning intricate cancer treatment protocols. These sophisticated solutions optimise the delivery of various treatments – from chemotherapy drugs to surgical interventions – thereby aiming to enhance oncology outcomes. Concurrently, the personalised protocols improve the patient’s quality of life during and post-treatment, a crucial element often overlooked in traditional treatment plans.

The Emergence of AI-Curated Medical Treatment Protocols

The beauty of generative AI resides in its capacity to derive insight from vast amounts of unstructured, clinically pertinent historical data housed in hospitals and other clinical settings. The training of AI models on such high-quality medical data culminates in the emergence of specialised, healthcare-focused foundation models. The result is an AI that is not just more objective, but deeply rooted in the data it’s trained on.

Once suitably trained, these foundation models can generate highly customised care workflows and treatment optimisation solutions, thereby aiding oncologists and medical consultants in their decision-making process.

The Advent of AI-Driven Personalised Medicine in Oncology

When one considers oncology, the AI’s capabilities extend to generating specific protocols that determine the duration and dosage of each treatment, thereby heralding a new era of personalised medicine facilitated by AI. These models consider various factors like disease stage, severity, comorbidities, and potential contraindications, and then are validated against real-world clinical data. The iterative refining process continues until an adequate fit is achieved for the specific medical use case.

Upon deployment, generative AI can create personalised treatment plans for both common and rare cancers. In the case of prostate cancer, it can suggest a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy, tailored to the patient’s specific diagnosis and health status. Similarly, for lung cancer, the AI can provide a personalised plan integrating surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy, each modality in specific sequences and dosages.

Broadening the Impact of Generative AI

While its utility in optimising cancer treatment protocols is indeed profound, the reach of generative AI in healthcare extends beyond the realm of oncology. Cardiology, intensive care units, and surgical disciplines – both emergency and elective – are other areas that stand to gain significantly from generative AI-driven decision-making and treatment planning.

For instance, in cardiology, decisions such as whether to perform coronary angioplasty or adjust medication schedules could be substantially improved by the insights provided by AI.

To that end, Chief.AI is creating generative AI models that conform to the latest healthcare governance standards, thereby ensuring the seamless integration of this pioneering technology into both private and public sector healthcare practices. This is the dawn of a new era, and Chief.AI is leading the charge in making generative AI a cornerstone of modern healthcare.

© Chief.AI 2020