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Pay As You Go AI


Artificial intelligence is a great way to get value out of business data. However, as with all business tools, there are costs involved. These costs should ideally be optimized in order to ensure your business gets the most out of its AI investment.

In the conventional machine learning setup, there are costs associated with the purchase of infrastructure; GPUs, CPUs, network and orchestration infrastructure such as bare metal servers and load balancers.

Then there is the human resources cost to consider. Machine learning researchers are required to not just train models, but also deploy and monitor them; then compare and analyse the results from one execution to another.

As you can imagine, these costs can add up quickly.

That’s where a Pay As You Go machine learning orchestrator such as Chief.AI can really make life simple for data scientists. Built on scalable, elastic compute infrastructure, an AI orchestrator can marshal, power up, run, document and destroy AI models on the fly, resulting in measured operations and significant cost savings over the long run.

If your entire AI operation is pay as you go, you can have control over your AI costs, providing more value to your AI investment over the long run.

© Chief.AI 2020